ZEN Insight

API HTTP Endpoints


  GET /insight-api/block/[:hash]
  GET /insight-api/block/00000000a967199a2fad0877433c93df785a8d8ce062e5f9b451cd1397bdbf62

Block index

Get block hash by height


This would return:


which is the hash of the Genesis block (0 height)

Raw block


This would return:


Block summaries

Get block summaries by date:


Example response:

  "blocks": [
      "height": 408495,
      "size": 989237,
      "hash": "00000000000000000108a1f4d4db839702d72f16561b1154600a26c453ecb378",
      "time": 1461360083,
      "txlength": 1695,
      "poolInfo": {
        "poolName": "BTCC Pool",
        "url": "https://pool.btcc.com/"
  "length": 1,
  "pagination": {
    "next": "2016-04-23",
    "prev": "2016-04-21",
    "currentTs": 1461369599,
    "current": "2016-04-22",
    "isToday": true,
    "more": true,
    "moreTs": 1461369600





Address Properties


The response contains the value in Satoshis.

Unspent Outputs


Sample return:

    "address": "mo9ncXisMeAoXwqcV5EWuyncbmCcQN4rVs",
    "txid": "bc9df3b92120feaee4edc80963d8ed59d6a78ea0defef3ec3cb374f2015bfc6e",
    "vout": 1,
    "scriptPubKey": "76a91453c0307d6851aa0ce7825ba883c6bd9ad242b48688ac",
    "amount": 0.12345678,
    "satoshis: 12345678,
    "confirmations": 1,
    "height": 300001

Unspent Outputs for Multiple Addresses

GET method:


POST method:


POST params:

addrs: 2NF2baYuJAkCKo5onjUKEPdARQkZ6SYyKd5,2NAre8sX2povnjy4aeiHKeEh97Qhn97tB1f

Transactions by Block


Transactions by Address


Transactions by Multiple Address

GET method:


POST method:


POST params:

addrs: 2NF2baYuJAkCKo5onjUKEPdARQkZ6SYyKd5,2NAre8sX2povnjy4aeiHKeEh97Qhn97tB1f
from (optional): 0
to (optional): 20
noAsm (optional): 1 (will omit script asm from results)
noScriptSig (optional): 1 (will omit the scriptSig from all inputs)
noSpent (option): 1 (will omit spent information per output)

Sample output:

{ totalItems: 100,
  from: 0,
  to: 20,
    [ { txid: '3e81723d069b12983b2ef694c9782d32fca26cc978de744acbc32c3d3496e915',
       version: 1,
       locktime: 0,
       vin: [Object],
       vout: [Object],
       blockhash: '00000000011a135e5277f5493c52c66829792392632b8b65429cf07ad3c47a6c',
       confirmations: 109367,
       time: 1393659685,
       blocktime: 1393659685,
       valueOut: 0.3453,
       size: 225,
       firstSeenTs: undefined,
       valueIn: 0.3454,
       fees: 0.0001 },
      { ... },
      { ... },
      { ... }

Note: if pagination params are not specified, the result is an array of transactions.

Transactions Broadcasting

POST method:


POST params:

  rawtx: "signed transaction as hex string"


  rawtx: 01000000017b1eabe0209b1fe794124575ef807057c77ada2138ae4fa8d6c4de0398a14f3f00000000494830450221008949f0cb400094ad2b5eb399d59d01c14d73d8fe6e96df1a7150deb388ab8935022079656090d7f6bac4c9a94e0aad311a4268e082a725f8aeae0573fb12ff866a5f01ffffffff01f0ca052a010000001976a914cbc20a7664f2f69e5355aa427045bc15e7c6c77288ac00000000

POST response:

      txid: [:txid]


      txid: "c7736a0a0046d5a8cc61c8c3c2821d4d7517f5de2bc66a966011aaa79965ffba"

Historic Blockchain Data Sync Status


Live Network P2P Data Sync Status


Status of the Zcash Network


Where "xxx" can be:

  • getInfo

  • getDifficulty

  • getBestBlockHash

  • getLastBlockHash

  • getTotalSupply

Utility Methods


Last updated