The first (resultant) state version to be returned
The maximum number of transactions that will be returned.
Requested SBOR formats to include in the response
Requested transaction formats to include in the response
Requested substate formats to include in the response
Whether to include LedgerProofs (default false)
Committed transactions response
previous_state_identifiersall of
Identifiers for the state on top of which the returned transactions were executed (ie from_state_version - 1).
This should be used for sanity-checking that you're reading from the ledger history you're expecting.
If this is field is missing, the previous state does not exists (from_state_version is 0).
from_state_version*integer (int64)
The first (resultant) state version in the returned response (if any).
This matches the from_state_version in the request.
count*integer (int32)
An integer between 0 and 10000, giving the total count of transactions in the returned response
max_ledger_state_version*integer (int64)
The maximum state version currently committed on this node's ledger.
transactions*array of object
A committed transactions list starting from the from_state_version (inclusive).
proofsarray of object
A ledger proof list starting from from_state_version (inclusive) stored by this node.