Returns contracts which have the same interface (parameter and storage types) as the specified one. Note, contract parameter and storage types are compared by 32-bit hash, so in very rare cases there may be collisions.
Contract address (starting with KT)
Internal TzKT id.
Type of the account, contract
- smart contract programmable account.
Public key hash of the contract
Kind of the contract (delegator_contract
or smart_contract
where delegator_contract
- smart contract for delegation purpose only.
List of implemented standards (TZIPs).
Name of the project behind the contract or contract description.
Contract balance (micro tez).
Information about the account, which has deployed the contract to the blockchain.
Click on the field to expand more details.
Information about the account, which was marked as a manager when contract was deployed to the blockchain.
Click on the field to expand more details.
Information about the current delegate of the contract. null
if it's not delegated.
Click on the field to expand more details.
Block height of latest delegation. null
if it's not delegated.
Block datetime of latest delegation (ISO 8601, e.g. 2020-02-20T02:40:57Z
). null
if it's not delegated.
Number of contracts, created (originated) and/or managed by the contract.
Number of tokens minted in the contract.
Number of account tokens with non-zero balances.
Number of tokens the account ever had.
Number of token transfers from/to the account.
Number of tickets minted in the contract.
Number of tickets the account owns.
Number of tickets the account ever owned.
Number of ticket transfers from/to the account.
Number of delegation operations of the contract.
Number of origination (deployment / contract creation) operations, related the contract.
Number of transaction (transfer) operations, related to the contract.
Number of reveal (is used to reveal the public key associated with an account) operations of the contract.
Number of migration (result of the context (database) migration during a protocol update) operations. related to the contract (synthetic type).
Number of transfer ticket operations related to the contract.
Number of increase_paid_storage
operations related to the contract.
Number of events produced by the contract.
Block height of the contract creation.
Block datetime of the contract creation (ISO 8601, e.g. 2020-02-20T02:40:57Z
Height of the block in which the account state was changed last time.
Datetime of the block in which the account state was changed last time (ISO 8601, e.g. 2020-02-20T02:40:57Z
32-bit hash of the contract parameter and storage types. This field can be used for searching similar contracts (which have the same interface).
32-bit hash of the contract code. This field can be used for searching same contracts (which have the same script).
TZIP-16 metadata (with ?legacy=true
this field will contain tzkt profile info).
Off-chain extras.
Contract storage value. Omitted by default. Use ?includeStorage=true
to include it into response.