Mining RPCs


Returns a json object containing mining-related information.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "getmininginfo",
    "params": []

Example response: 200

    "result": {
        "blocks": 2496503,
        "difficulty": 60893148.85318897,
        "errors": "",
        "errorstimestamp": 1715033585,
        "genproclimit": 1,
        "localsolps": 0,
        "networksolps": 7052407072,
        "networkhashps": 7052407072,
        "pooledtx": 2,
        "testnet": false,
        "chain": "main",
        "generate": false
    "error": null,
    "id": "curltest"


Returns the estimated network hashes per second based on the last n blocks.

Pass in [blocks] to override # of blocks, -1 specifies since last difficulty change.

Pass in [height] to estimate the network speed at the time when a certain block was found.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "getnetworkhashps",
    "params": []

Example response: 200

    "result": 7052407072,
    "error": null,
    "id": "curltest"

Last updated