Digital Goods Store

DGS Delisting

Delist a listed product.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = dgsDelisting
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
goods = 11813734897437346473secretPhrase
feeNQT = 100000000
deadline = 60

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown account",
    "errorCode": 5

DGS Delivery

Deliver a product.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = dgsDelivery
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
purchase = 3723760852542296589
goodsToEncrypt = Download Code.
feeNQT = 100000000
deadline = 60

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown account",
    "errorCode": 5

DGS Feedback

Give feedback about a purchased product after delivery.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = dgsFeedback
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
purchase = 3723760852542296589
goodsToEncrypt = Download Code.
feeNQT = 100000000
deadline = 60
message = Thank You!

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"purchase\"",
    "errorCode": 4

DGS Listing

List a product in the DGS by creating a listing transaction.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = dgsListing
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
name = Test Product
description = Testing the DGS.
quantity = 3
priceNQT = 100000000
feeNQT = 100000000
deadline = 60

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown account",
    "errorCode": 5

DGS Price Change

Change the price of a listed product.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = dgsPriceChange
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
goods = 11813734897437346473
priceNQT = 200000000
feeNQT = 100000000
deadline = 60

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown account",
    "errorCode": 5

DGS Purchase

Purchase a product for sale.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = dgsPurchase
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
goods = 11813734897437346473
quantity = 1
deliveryDeadlineTimestamp = 31800000
priceNQT = 200000000
feeNQT = 100000000
deadline = 60

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown goods",
    "errorCode": 5

DGS Quantity Change

Change the quantity of a listed product.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = dgsQuantityChange
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
goods = 11813734897437346473
deltaQuantity = -1
feeNQT = 100000000
deadline = 60

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown account",
    "errorCode": 5

DGS Refund

Refund a purchase.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = dgsRefund
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
purchase = 3723760852542296589
refundNQT = 100000000
feeNQT = 100000000
deadline = 60

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown account",
    "errorCode": 5

Get DGS Expired Purchases

Get purchase orders which have expired without being delivered, given a seller ID, in reverse chronological order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "purchases": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get DGS Good

Get a DGS product given a goods ID.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown goods",
    "errorCode": 5

Get DGS Goods

Get DGS products for sale in reverse chronological listing creation order unless a seller is given, then in product name order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "goods": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 4

Get DGS Goods Count

Get the number of products for sale by a given seller or all sellers.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "numberOfGoods": 0,
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get DGS Goods Purchase Count

Get the number of completed purchase orders given a goods ID.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "numberOfPurchases": 0,
    "requestProcessingTime": 0

Get DGS Goods Purchases

Get completed purchase orders given a goods ID and optionally a buyer ID in reverse chronological order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "purchases": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get DGS Pending Purchases

Get pending purchase orders given a seller ID in reverse chronological order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "purchases": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 0

Get DGS Purchase

Get a purchase order given a purchase order ID.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"purchase\"",
    "errorCode": 4

Get DGS Purchase Count

Get the number of purchase orders given a seller and/or buyer ID, or all orders combined.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "numberOfPurchases": 0,
    "requestProcessingTime": 0

Get DGS Purchases

Get purchase orders given a seller and/or buyer ID in reverse chronological order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "purchases": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 0

Get DGS Tag Count

Get the number of tags used by all sellers.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "numberOfTags": 60,
    "requestProcessingTime": 0

Get DGS Tags

Get tags used by all sellers in reverse inStockCount, reverse totalCount, tag order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "requestProcessingTime": 6,
    "tags": [
            "inStockCount": 11,
            "tag": "course",
            "totalCount": 11

Get DGS Tags Like

Get all tags starting with a given prefix (at least 2 characters long) in reverse inStockCount, reverse totalCount, tag order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "requestProcessingTime": 1,
    "tags": []

Get DGS Tags Like

Get all tags starting with a given prefix (at least 2 characters long) in reverse inStockCount, reverse totalCount, tag order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "requestProcessingTime": 0,
    "tags": []

Search DGS Goods

Get product listings that have a name or description that match a given query in reverse relevance order, then name order (given a seller), then reverse chronological order.

Method: GET AND prod*

Example response: 200

    "goods": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 61

Last updated