events is the list of transaction event type.
key is a value returned in PageResponse.next_key to begin querying the next page most efficiently. Only one of offset or key should be set.
offset is a numeric offset that can be used when key is unavailable. It is less efficient than using key. Only one of offset or key should be set.
limit is the total number of results to be returned in the result page. If left empty it will default to a value to be set by each app.
count_total is set to true to indicate that the result set should include a count of the total number of items available for pagination in UIs. count_total is only respected when offset is used. It is ignored when key is set.
reverse is set to true if results are to be returned in the descending order. Since: cosmos-sdk 0.43
page is the page number to query, starts at 1. If not provided, will default to first page.
limit is the total number of results to be returned in the result page. If left empty it will default to a value to be set by each app.
tx_bytes is the raw transaction.
BroadcastMode specifies the broadcast mode for the TxService.Broadcast RPC method.
BROADCAST_MODE_UNSPECIFIED: zero-value for mode ordering
BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK: DEPRECATED: use BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC instead, BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK is not supported by the SDK from v0.47.x onwards.
BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC: BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC defines a tx broadcasting mode where the client waits for a CheckTx execution response only.
BROADCAST_MODE_ASYNC: BROADCAST_MODE_ASYNC defines a tx broadcasting mode where the client returns immediately.
hash is the tx hash to query, encoded as a hex string.