tx_bytes is the raw transaction.
BroadcastMode specifies the broadcast mode for the TxService.Broadcast RPC method.
BROADCAST_MODE_UNSPECIFIED: zero-value for mode ordering
BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK: DEPRECATED: use BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC instead, BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK is not supported by the SDK from v0.47.x onwards.
BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC: BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC defines a tx broadcasting mode where the client waits for a CheckTx execution response only.
BROADCAST_MODE_ASYNC: BROADCAST_MODE_ASYNC defines a tx broadcasting mode where the client returns immediately.
A successful response.
TxResponse defines a structure containing relevant tx data and metadata. The tags are stringified and the log is JSON decoded.
A successful response.
txs is the list of queried transactions.
tx_responses is the list of queried TxResponses.
pagination defines a pagination for the response. Deprecated post v0.46.x: use total instead.
hash is the tx hash to query, encoded as a hex string.
A successful response.
Tx is the standard type used for broadcasting transactions.
TxResponse defines a structure containing relevant tx data and metadata. The tags are stringified and the log is JSON decoded.