
Get account resources

Retrieves all account resources for a given account and a specific ledger version. If the ledger version is not specified in the request, the latest ledger version is used.

The Aptos nodes prune account state history, via a configurable time window. If the requested ledger version has been pruned, the server responds with a 410.

Path parameters
address*string (hex)

A hex encoded 32 byte Aptos account address.

This is represented in a string as a 64 character hex string, sometimes shortened by stripping leading 0s, and adding a 0x.

For example, address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 is represented as 0x1.

Example: "0x88fbd33f54e1126269769780feb24480428179f552e2313fbe571b72e62a1ca1 "
Query parameters

String representation of a MoveStructTag (on-chain Move struct type). This exists so you can specify MoveStructTags as path / query parameters, e.g. for get_events_by_event_handle.

It is a combination of:

  1. move_module_address, module_name and struct_name, all joined by ::
  2. struct generic type parameters joined by ,


  • 0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>
  • 0x1::account::Account


  1. Empty chars should be ignored when comparing 2 struct tag ids.
  2. When used in an URL path, should be encoded by url-encoding (AKA percent-encoding).

See doc for more details.

Example: "0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>"
Pattern: ^0x[0-9a-zA-Z:_<>]+$

This is a JSON representation of some data within an account resource. More specifically, it is a map of strings to arbitrary JSON values / objects, where the keys are top level fields within the given resource.

To clarify, you might query for 0x1::account::Account and see the example data.

Move bool type value is serialized into boolean.

Move u8, u16 and u32 type value is serialized into integer.

Move u64, u128 and u256 type value is serialized into string.

Move address type value (32 byte Aptos account address) is serialized into a HexEncodedBytes string. For example:

  • 0x1
  • 0x1668f6be25668c1a17cd8caf6b8d2f25

Move vector type value is serialized into array, except vector<u8> which is serialized into a HexEncodedBytes string with 0x prefix. For example:

  • vector<u64>{255, 255} => ["255", "255"]
  • vector<u8>{255, 255} => 0xffff

Move struct type value is serialized into object that looks like this (except some Move stdlib types, see the following section):

  field1_name: field1_value,
  field2_name: field2_value,

For example: { "created": "0xa550c18", "role_id": "0" }

Special serialization for Move stdlib types:

  • 0x1::string::String is serialized into string. For example, struct value 0x1::string::String{bytes: b"Hello World!"} is serialized as "Hello World!" in JSON.
const response = await fetch('{address}/resources', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {},
const data = await response.json();
    "type": "0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>",
    "data": {
      "authentication_key": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
      "coin_register_events": {
        "counter": "0",
        "guid": {
          "id": {
            "addr": "0x1",
            "creation_num": "0"
      "self_address": "0x1",
      "sequence_number": "0"

Last updated