
Get Account

Get account information given an account ID.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "forgedBalanceFQT": "0",
    "accountRS": "ARDOR-4VNQ-RWZC-4WWQ-GVM8S",
    "name": "mystical",
    "description": "",
    "publicKey": "73080c6a224062660184f10ebb7fb431d459364a12403320c7f601f9d75cc547",
    "requestProcessingTime": 2,
    "account": "17013046603665206934"

Get Account Asset Count

Get the number of assets owned by an account given the account ID.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "requestProcessingTime": 1,
    "numberOfAssets": 0

Get Account Assets

Get the assets owned by a given account in reverse quantity order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "accountAssets": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 0

Get Account Block Count

Get the number of blocks forged by an account.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "numberOfBlocks": 1479,
    "requestProcessingTime": 4

Get Account Block Ids

Get the block IDs of all blocks forged (generated) by an account in reverse block height order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "blockIds": [
    "requestProcessingTime": 299

Get Account Blocks

Get all blocks forged (generated) by an account in reverse block height order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "blocks": [
            "previousBlockHash": "a72c0d8179c348d0b2f75cdfc2c0e111f5d464157e3d9b7272e832f9ecfb81d2",
            "generationSignature": "ab4c776fb60b0300403fcbc7cdb4c273185c73297f6bf82bdc29d86b134560a5",
            "generator": "7114946486381367146",
            "generatorPublicKey": "dbc809e8237914f25add0d349ea16b2ac05cae6882d0a1782d23605af264d97a",
            "baseTarget": "1051747633",
            "payloadHash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
            "generatorRS": "ARDOR-TMVC-69YC-SJB4-8YCH7",
            "nextBlock": "8195010170995046551",
            "numberOfTransactions": 0,
            "blockSignature": "bf5b410dcebb7bdde9a16bcfaf16c8699a6443b9d72399a79d95deb8d42f5603182e3447cb0e09773b4e70555a068732c74480b116e7009f356e9f49c1873590",
            "transactions": [],
            "version": 3,
            "previousBlock": "15008460684835761319",
            "cumulativeDifficulty": "167451203499068156",
            "totalFeeFQT": "0",
            "block": "10449775964396511349",
            "height": 1853747,
            "timestamp": 109839426
    "requestProcessingTime": 10

Get Account Currencies

Get the currencies issued by a given account.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "accountCurrencies": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Account Currency Count

Get the number of currencies issued by a given account.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "numberOfCurrencies": 0,
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Account Current Order Ids

Get current asset order IDs given an account ID in reverse block height order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "bidOrderIds": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Account Current Orders

Get current asset orders given an account ID in reverse block height order.

Method: GET Account Current Order Ids

Example response: 200

    "bidOrders": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Account Current Order Ids

Get current asset order IDs given an account ID in reverse block height order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "bidOrderIds": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Account Exchange Requests

Get the exchange requests associated with a given account and/or currency in reverse chronological order (or in expected order of execution for expected requests).

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "exchangeRequests": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 6

Get Account Id

Get an account ID given a secret passphrase or public key.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = setPhasingOnlyControl
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou

Example response: 200

    "privateKey": "a89faa1b56e384762195f3c2094a15fa394e12186630f720b0473d0637c69054",
    "accountRS": "ARDOR-L6FM-89WK-VK8P-FCRBB",
    "publicKey": "57fb6f3a958e320bb49c4e81b4c2cf28b9f25d086c143b473beec228f79ff93c",
    "requestProcessingTime": 1,
    "account": "15323192282528158131"

Get Account Ledger

Get multiple account ledger entries.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "privateKey": "a89faa1b56e384762195f3c2094a15fa394e12186630f720b0473d0637c69054",
    "accountRS": "ARDOR-L6FM-89WK-VK8P-FCRBB",
    "publicKey": "57fb6f3a958e320bb49c4e81b4c2cf28b9f25d086c143b473beec228f79ff93c",
    "requestProcessingTime": 0,
    "account": "15323192282528158131"

Get Account Ledger Entry

Get a specific account ledger entry.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "privateKey": "a89faa1b56e384762195f3c2094a15fa394e12186630f720b0473d0637c69054",
    "accountRS": "ARDOR-L6FM-89WK-VK8P-FCRBB",
    "publicKey": "57fb6f3a958e320bb49c4e81b4c2cf28b9f25d086c143b473beec228f79ff93c",
    "requestProcessingTime": 3,
    "account": "15323192282528158131"

Get Account Lessors

Get the lessors to an account.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "privateKey": "a89faa1b56e384762195f3c2094a15fa394e12186630f720b0473d0637c69054",
    "accountRS": "ARDOR-L6FM-89WK-VK8P-FCRBB",
    "publicKey": "57fb6f3a958e320bb49c4e81b4c2cf28b9f25d086c143b473beec228f79ff93c",
    "requestProcessingTime": 6,
    "account": "15323192282528158131"

Get Account Phased Transaction Count

Get the number of pending phased transactions associated with an account given the account ID.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "privateKey": "a89faa1b56e384762195f3c2094a15fa394e12186630f720b0473d0637c69054",
    "accountRS": "ARDOR-L6FM-89WK-VK8P-FCRBB",
    "publicKey": "57fb6f3a958e320bb49c4e81b4c2cf28b9f25d086c143b473beec228f79ff93c",
    "requestProcessingTime": 0,
    "account": "15323192282528158131"

Get Account Properties

Get the Account properties for a specific account or setter.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "recipientRS": "ARDOR-7A48-47JL-T7LD-D5FS3",
    "recipient": "12745647715474645062",
    "requestProcessingTime": 1,
    "properties": []

Get Account Public Key

Get the public key associated with an account ID.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "publicKey": "57fb6f3a958e320bb49c4e81b4c2cf28b9f25d086c143b473beec228f79ff93c",
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Assets By Issuer

Get asset information given multiple creation account IDs in reverse block height of creation order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "assets": [
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Balance

Get the balance of an account.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "unconfirmedBalanceNQT": "42537785269331",
    "balanceNQT": "42537785269331",
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Blockchain Transactions

Get the transactions associated with an account in reverse block timestamp order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "requestProcessingTime": 9,
    "transactions": []

Get Contract References

Get contracts references for a certain account.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "accountRS": "ARDOR-XK4R-7VJU-6EQG-7R335",
    "requestProcessingTime": 1,
    "contractReferences": [],
    "account": "5873880488492319831"

Get Currencies By Issuer

Get currencies issued by multiple accounts in reverse creation order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "requestProcessingTime": 1,
    "currencies": [

Get Effective Balance

Get the balance of an account in ARDR.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "forgedBalanceFQT": "37669839331",
    "guaranteedBalanceFQT": "42537785269331",
    "effectiveBalanceFXT": 425377,
    "requestProcessingTime": 2

Get Funding Monitor

Get a funding monitor. The monitors for a single funding account will be returned when the secret phrase is specified. A single monitor will be returned if holding and property are specified. Otherwise, all monitors for the funding account will be returned The administrator password is not required and will be ignored. When the administrator password is specified, all monitors will be returned unless the funding account is also specified. A single monitor will be returned if holding and property are specified. Otherwise, all monitors for the funding account will be returned. Holding type codes are listed in getConstants. In addition, the holding identifier must be specified when the holding type is ASSET or CURRENCY.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "requestProcessingTime": 23,
    "monitors": []

Get Guaranteed Balance

Get the balance of an account in ARDR. This is the minimum balance the account had in the interval:

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "guaranteedBalanceNQT": "42537785269331",
    "requestProcessingTime": 6

Get Polls

Get poll details in reverse creation order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "polls": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Unconfirmed Transaction Ids

Get a list of unconfirmed transaction IDs associated with an account.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "unconfirmedTransactionHashes": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 3,
    "unconfirmedTransactionIds": []

Get Unconfirmed Transactions

Get a list of unconfirmed transactions associated with an account.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "unconfirmedTransactions": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Voter Phased Transactions

Get pending phased transactions which include a whitelist in reverse chronological creation order. These transactions can be considered transaction approval requests.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "requestProcessingTime": 8,
    "transactions": []

RS Convert

Get both the Reed-Solomon account address and the account number given an account ID.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "accountRS": "ARDOR-L6FM-89WK-VK8P-FCRBB",
    "accountLongId": "-3123551791181393485",
    "requestProcessingTime": 0,
    "account": "15323192282528158131"

Search Accounts

Get accounts having a name or description that match a given query in reverse relevance order.

Method: GET AND tyler

Example response: 200

    "accounts": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 324

Send Money

Send chain tokens to an account.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = sendMoney
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
recipient = ARDOR-4VNQ-RWZC-4WWQ-GVM8S
amountNQT = 100000000
feeNQT = 1000000
deadline = 60

Example response: 200

    "amount": "100000000",
    "chain": 2,
    "errorDescription": "Not enough funds",
    "balance": "0",
    "fee": "1000000",
    "errorCode": 6,
    "diff": "101000000"

Set Account Info

Set account information.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = setAccountInfo
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
name = iwonttellyou
description = example account
feeNQT = 1000000
deadline = 60

Example response: 200

    "amount": "0",
    "chain": 2,
    "errorDescription": "Not enough funds",
    "balance": "0",
    "fee": "100000000",
    "errorCode": 6,
    "diff": "100000000"

Set Account Property

Set account property.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = setAccountProperty
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
property = country
value = switzerland
feeNQT = 1000000
deadline = 60

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown account",
    "errorCode": 5

Delete Account Property

Deletes an account property.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = deleteAccountProperty
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
recipient = ARDOR-7A48-47JL-T7LD-D5FS3
property = testkey1
feeNQT = 1000000
deadline = 60

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown account",
    "errorCode": 5

Delete Contract Reference

Deletes a contract reference for a specific account (the contract itself is not deleted)

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = deleteContractReference
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
contractName = HelloWorld
property = testkey1
feeNQT = -1
feeRateNQTPerFXT = -1

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown account",
    "errorCode": 5

Set Contract Reference

Sets a contract reference for a specific account.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = setContractReference
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
contractName = HelloWorld
contract = 2:98ad60e6fc95e794216fc49a62e7f0ba2f37e2aed62dd3598c804d7a71ca2b32
feeNQT = -1
feeRateNQTPerFXT = -1

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown account",
    "errorCode": 5

Start Funding Monitor

Starts a funding monitor that will transfer ARDR, ASSET, CURRENCY or child chain tokens (ie: IGNIS) from the funding account to a recipient account when the amount held by the recipient account drops below the threshold. The transfer will not be done until the current block height is greater than equal to the block height of the last transfer plus the interval. The funding account is identified by the secret phrase.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = startFundingMonitor
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 5
property = funding
amount = 1000000000
threshold = 15000000000
interval = 10
holding = 5
feeRateNQTPerFXT = 1000000

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown account",
    "errorCode": 5

Stop Funding Monitor

Stop a funding monitor. When the secret phrase is specified, a single monitor will be stopped. The monitor is identified by the secret phrase, holding and account property. The administrator password is not required and will be ignored.

When the administrator password is specified, a single monitor can be stopped by specifying the funding account, holding and account property. If no account is specified, all monitors will be stopped.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = stopFundingMonitor
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
property = funding
holding = 5

Example response: 200

    "stopped": 0,
    "requestProcessingTime": 3

Last updated