Tx is the standard type used for broadcasting transactions.
tx_bytes is the raw transaction.
Since: cosmos-sdk 0.43
A successful response.
gas_info is the information about gas used in the simulation.
result is the result of the simulation.
const response = await fetch('https://fet.nownodes.io/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/simulate', { method: 'POST', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({}), }); const data = await response.json();
{ "gas_info": { "gas_wanted": "text", "gas_used": "text" }, "result": { "data": "Ynl0ZXM=", "log": "text", "events": [ { "type": "text", "attributes": [ { "key": "text", "value": "text", "index": false } ] } ], "msg_responses": [ { "type_url": "text", "value": "Ynl0ZXM=" } ] } }