
The fee command reports the current state of the open-ledger requirements for the transaction cost. This requires the [FeeEscalation amendment][] to be enabled.

This is a public command available to unprivileged users.

Request Format

An example of the request format:

curl --location 'https://xrp.nownodes.io' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'api-key: API_KEY' \
--data '{
    "method": "fee",
    "params": [{}]

The request does not include any parameters.

Response Format

An example of a successful response:

200 OK

    "result": {
        "current_ledger_size": "56",
        "current_queue_size": "11",
        "drops": {
            "base_fee": "10",
            "median_fee": "10000",
            "minimum_fee": "10",
            "open_ledger_fee": "2653937"
        "expected_ledger_size": "55",
        "ledger_current_index": 26575101,
        "levels": {
            "median_level": "256000",
            "minimum_level": "256",
            "open_ledger_level": "67940792",
            "reference_level": "256"
        "max_queue_size": "1100",
        "status": "success"

The response follows the [standard format][], with a successful result containing the following fields:

Possible Errors

  • Any of the [universal error types][].

Last updated