Returns transactions which have been committed to the ledger. Check detailed documentation for brief explanation
Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.
Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.
This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.
The page size requested.
Limit returned transactions by their kind. Defaults to user
Allows specifying an array of account addresses. If specified, the response will contain only transactions with a manifest containing withdrawals from the given accounts.
Similar to manifest_accounts_withdrawn_from_filter
, but will return only transactions with a manifest containing deposits to the given accounts.
Allows specifying array of badge resource addresses. If specified, the response will contain only transactions where the given badges were presented.
Allows specifying array of resource addresses. If specified, the response will contain only transactions containing the given resources in the manifest (regardless of their usage).
Allows specifying an array of global addresses. If specified, the response will contain transactions that affected all of the given global entities. A global entity is marked as "affected" by a transaction if any of its state (or its descendents' state) was modified as a result of the transaction. For performance reasons consensus manager and transaction tracker are excluded from that filter.
Filters the transaction stream to transactions which emitted at least one event matching each filter (each filter can be satisfied by a different event). Currently only deposit and withdrawal events emitted by an internal vault entity are tracked. For the purpose of filtering, the emitter address is replaced by the global ancestor of the emitter, for example, the top-level account / component which contains the vault which emitted the event.
Allows specifying an array of account addresses. If specified, the response will contain only transactions that, for all specified accounts, contain manifest method calls to that account which require the owner role. See the account docs for more information.
Allows specifying an array of account addresses. If specified, the response will contain only transactions that, for all specified accounts, do NOT contain manifest method calls to that account which require owner role. See the account docs for more information.
Allows filtering to transactions which match the given manifest classification. If specified, the response will contain only transactions which have a class that matches the filter. If match_only_most_specific
set to true, only transactions where the queried class is most specific will be returned. See the docs on manifest classification for more information.
Allows specifying an array of global addresses. If specified, the response will contain transactions in which all entities emitted events. If an event was published by an internal entity, it is going to be indexed as it is a global ancestor. For performance reasons events published by consensus manager and native XRD resource are excluded from that filter.
Configures the order of returned result set. Defaults to desc
Transactions (paginated)
The ledger state against which the response was generated. Can be used to detect if the Network Gateway is returning up-to-date information.
Total number of items in underlying collection, fragment of which is available in items
If specified, contains a cursor to query next page of the items
The page of user transactions.