Monetary System

Can Delete Currency

Determine if a currency can be deleted.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown currency",
    "errorCode": 5

Currency Buy / Sell

Make an exchange request to buy or sell an exchangeable currency.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = currencyBuy
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
currency = 6520756875632314476
feeNQT = 100000000
deadline = 60

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown currency",
    "errorCode": 5

Currency Mint

Submit a valid computed nonce to the blockchain in return for newly minted currency.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = currencyBuy
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 2
counter = 26
currency = 6520756875632314476
nonce = -6757092571753666960
feeNQT = 100000000
deadline = 60

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown currency",
    "errorCode": 5

Currency Reserve Claim

Claim currency reserve.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = currencyReserveClaim
chain = 2
currency = 6520756875632314476
unitsQNT = 36

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown currency",
    "errorCode": 5

Currency Reserve Increase

Increase the currency reserve of an unissued reservable currency.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = currencyReserveIncrease
chain = 2
currency = 1847174313362984527

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"currency\"",
    "errorCode": 4

Delete Currency

Delete a deletable currency

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = deleteCurrency
chain = 2
currency = 1847174313362984527
feeNQT = 100000000
deadline = 60

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown currency",
    "errorCode": 5

Get Account Currencies

Get the currencies issued by a given account.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "accountCurrencies": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Account Currency Count

Get the number of currencies issued by a given account.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "numberOfCurrencies": 0,
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Account Exchange Requests

Get the exchange requests associated with a given account and/or currency in reverse chronological order (or in expected order of execution for expected requests).

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "exchangeRequests": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 0

Get All Currencies

Get all currencies in reverse creation order.

Method: POST

Example response: 200

    "requestProcessingTime": 1,
    "currencies": [
            "currentReservePerUnitNQT": "0",
            "chain": 2,
            "types": [
            "code": "IGLIS",
            "currentSupplyQNT": "100000000000000",
            "creationHeight": 2600876,
            "minDifficulty": 0,
            "description": "Liquidity pool.",
            "minReservePerUnitNQT": "0",
            "initialSupplyQNT": "100000000000000",
            "issuanceHeight": 0,
            "type": 1,
            "maxSupplyQNT": "100000000000000",
            "maxDifficulty": 0,
            "accountRS": "ARDOR-MDC9-6GRS-YJWB-GGD8M",
            "decimals": 8,
            "name": "IgnisLP",
            "reserveSupplyQNT": "0",
            "currency": "4019298027147695044",
            "account": "16832606181821885767",
            "algorithm": 0

Get All Exchanges

Get all currency exchanges in reverse chronological order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "exchanges": [
            "seller": "1146316889663349310",
            "sellerRS": "ARDOR-NAKY-6F28-HCDW-2B6UZ",
            "transactionFullHash": "b3a113720675fa5147a0d0f95ccbe0c49294e2463c022e34a2ce6656514b0644",
            "offerFullHash": "f58b4433ac0980b3be3adf9621a254aa4ee3e9b9013c852f1610f5d0a43f712e",
            "buyer": "17013198449221254668",
            "offer": "12934348765007219701",
            "unitsQNT": "20000000000",
            "buyerRS": "ARDOR-YHJE-V87J-ZAHF-G7S8S",
            "rateNQTPerUnit": "60000000",
            "currency": "12716105655214471147",
            "block": "7249383371034544000",
            "timestamp": 196833659,
            "height": 3333174
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Available To Buy

Calculates the rate required in order to completely fill an exchange request.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "unitsQNT": "0",
    "amountNQT": "0",
    "rateNQTPerUnit": "0",
    "requestProcessingTime": 4

Get Buy / Sell Offers

Get currency buy or sell offers given a currency ID and/or an account ID in order of rate (if sortByRate is true for expected offers, otherwise in the expected order of execution).

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "offers": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Currencies

Get currencies given multiple currency IDs.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown currency",
    "errorCode": 5

Get Currencies By Issuer

Get currencies issued by multiple accounts in reverse creation order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "requestProcessingTime": 1,
    "currencies": [

Get Currency

Get the details of a currency.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown currency",
    "errorCode": 5

Get Currency Account Count

Get the number of accounts that hold a given currency.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "numberOfAccounts": 0,
    "requestProcessingTime": 0

Get Currency Accounts

Get the accounts that hold a given currency in reverse units order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "accountCurrencies": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 50

Get Currency Founders

Get a reservable currency's founders.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "founders": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Currency Ids

Get all currency IDs in reverse chronological creation order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "currencyIds": [
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Currency Transfers

Get currency transfers given a currency ID and/or an account ID in reverse block height order (or in expected order of execution for expected transfers).

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "transfers": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Exchanges

Get currency exchanges given a currency and/or an account in reverse chronological order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "exchanges": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Exchanges By Exchange Request

Get currency exchanges given an exchange request transaction ID in reverse chronological order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "exchanges": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 1

Get Exchanges By Offer

Get currency exchanges given a currency offer ID in reverse chronological order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "exchanges": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 3

Get Last Exchanges

Get the last exchange of each of multiple currencies.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "exchanges": [],
    "requestProcessingTime": 7

Get Minting Target

Get the current minting target of a mintable currency.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown currency",
    "errorCode": 5

Get Offer

Get offer details given an offer ID.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown offer",
    "errorCode": 5

Issue Currency

Issue a new currency or re-issue an existing currency with different properties.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = issueCurrency
chain = 2
name = MystcoinX
code = MYSTX
description = Exchangeable
type = 1
decimals = 2
currency = 1847174313362984527
feeNQT = 100000000
deadline = 60

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown account",
    "errorCode": 5

Publish Exchange Offer

Publish an exchange offer for an exchangeable currency.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = publishExchangeOffer
chain = 2
currency = 6520756875632314476
buyRateNQTPerUnit = 10000000
sellRateNQTPerUnit = 20000000
totalBuyLimitQNT = 1000
totalSellLimitQNT = 1000
initialBuySupplyQNT = 500
initialSellSupplyQNT = 500
expirationHeight = 163080
feeNQT = 100000000
deadline = 60

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown currency",
    "errorCode": 5

Search Currencies

Get currencies having a code that matches a given query in reverse relevance order.

Method: GET

Example response: 200

    "requestProcessingTime": 18,
    "currencies": []

Transfer Currency

Transfer currency to a given recipient.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = transferCurrency
chain = 2
currency = 7978322511509619701
unitsQNT = 10

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Unknown currency",
    "errorCode": 5

Last updated