GetPeggyWithdrawalTxs returns the peggy withdrawal transactions based upon the request params
OK response.
Amount of tokens being withdrawan
"Quis veniam exercitationem ad aut eius."
A auto incremented unique ID representing the Withdrawal Batches
The timestamp after which Batch request will be discarded if not processed already
The bridge fee paid by sender for withdrawal
"Qui quae ullam nemo eaque rem."
The claimType will be WithdrawalClaim for Batch Withdrawals
Denom of tokens being withdrawan
"Voluptas alias."
The block height of WithdrawalClaim event emitted by Ethereum chain upon batch withdrawal
The event nonce of WithdrawalClaim event emitted by Ethereum chain upon batch withdrawal
orchestratorAddress who created batch request
"Quae quia natus aspernatur."
A auto incremented unique ID representing the withdrawal request
Address of receiveer upon withdrawal
Sender address of withdrawal request