
Get staking ops

Returns a list of staking operations.

Query parameters
typenullable string

Type of the operation, staking

idinteger (int64)

Internal TzKT ID.

levelinteger (int32)

Height of the block from the genesis

timestampstring (date-time)

Datetime at which the block is claimed to have been created (ISO 8601, e.g. 2020-02-20T02:40:57Z)

hashnullable string

Hash of the operation

sendernullable one of

Information about the account who has sent the operation

counterinteger (int32)

An account nonce which is used to prevent operation replay

gasLimitinteger (int32)

A cap on the amount of gas a given operation can consume

gasUsedinteger (int32)

Amount of gas, consumed by the operation

storageLimitinteger (int32)

A cap on the amount of storage a given operation can consume

bakerFeeinteger (int64)

Fee to the baker, produced block, in which the operation was included (micro tez)

kindnullable string

Staking operation kind (stake, unstake, finalize, set_parameters)

bakernullable one of

Information about the baker

amountnullable integer (int64)

Amount (micro tez)

pseudotokensnullable integer (int64)


limitOfStakingOverBakingnullable integer (int64)

This parameter determines the maximum portion (millionth) of external stake by stakers over the baker's own staked funds.

edgeOfBakingOverStakingnullable integer (int64)

This parameter determines the fraction (billionth) of the rewards that accrue to the baker's liquid spendable balance — the remainder accrues to frozen stakes.

activationCyclenullable integer (int32)

Cycle from which the specified staking parameters are activated

statusnullable string

Operation status (applied - an operation applied by the node and successfully added to the blockchain, failed - an operation which failed with some particular error (not enough balance, gas limit, etc), backtracked - an operation which was successful but reverted due to one of the following operations in the same operation group was failed, skipped - all operations after the failed one in an operation group)

errorsnullable array of OperationError (object)

List of errors provided by the node, injected the operation to the blockchain. null if there is no errors

quotenullable one of

Injected historical quote at the time of operation

const response = await fetch('', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {},
const data = await response.json();
    "type": "text",
    "timestamp": "2024-11-10T04:03:21.630Z",
    "hash": "text",
    "sender": {
      "alias": "text",
      "address": "text"
    "kind": "text",
    "baker": {
      "alias": "text",
      "address": "text"
    "status": "text",
    "errors": [
        "type": "text"
    "quote": {
      "btc": 0,
      "eur": 0,
      "usd": 0,
      "cny": 0,
      "jpy": 0,
      "krw": 0,
      "eth": 0,
      "gbp": 0