Returns a list of double preendorsing operations.
Type of the operation, double_preendorsing
Unique ID of the operation, stored in the TzKT indexer database
Height of the block from the genesis block, in which the operation was included
Datetime of the block, in which the operation was included (ISO 8601, e.g. 2020-02-20T02:40:57Z
Hash of the block, in which the operation was included
Hash of the operation
Height of the block from the genesis, at which double preendorsing occurred
Height of the block from the genesis, at which the offender was slashed
Information about the baker, produced the block, in which the accusation was included
Reward of the baker, produced the block, in which the accusation was included
Information about the baker, accused for producing two different preendorsements at the same level
Amount slashed from baker's own staked balance
Amount slashed from baker's own unstaked balance
Amount slashed from baker's external staked balance
Amount slashed from baker's external unstaked balance
Amount lost due to inaccuracy of the economic protocol introduced in Oxford.
Injected historical quote at the time of operation
Returns a double preendorsing operation with specified hash.
Operation hash
Type of the operation, double_preendorsing
Unique ID of the operation, stored in the TzKT indexer database
Height of the block from the genesis block, in which the operation was included
Datetime of the block, in which the operation was included (ISO 8601, e.g. 2020-02-20T02:40:57Z
Hash of the block, in which the operation was included
Hash of the operation
Height of the block from the genesis, at which double preendorsing occurred
Height of the block from the genesis, at which the offender was slashed
Information about the baker, produced the block, in which the accusation was included
Reward of the baker, produced the block, in which the accusation was included
Information about the baker, accused for producing two different preendorsements at the same level
Amount slashed from baker's own staked balance
Amount slashed from baker's own unstaked balance
Amount slashed from baker's external staked balance
Amount slashed from baker's external unstaked balance
Amount lost due to inaccuracy of the economic protocol introduced in Oxford.
Injected historical quote at the time of operation