
Get bigmap updates

Returns a list of all bigmap updates.



Query parameters
bigmapone of | nullable

Filters by bigmap ptr

pathone of | nullable

Filters by bigmap path

contractone of | nullable

Filters by bigmap contract

tagsone of | nullable

Filters by bigmap tags: metadata, token_metadata, ledger

actionone of | nullable

Filters by action

valueone of | nullable

Filters by JSON value. Note, this query parameter supports the following format: ?value{.path?}{.mode?}=..., so you can specify a path to a particular field to filter by, for example: ?value.balance.gt=....

levelone of | nullable

Filters by level

timestampone of | nullable

Filters by timestamp

sortone of | nullable

Sorts bigmaps by specified field. Supported fields: id (default), ptr, firstLevel, lastLevel, totalKeys, activeKeys, updates.

offsetone of | nullable

Specifies which or how many items should be skipped

limitinteger · int32 · max: 10000 · default: 100

Maximum number of items to return

michelineone of · default: Json

Format of the bigmap key and value type: 0 - JSON, 2 - Micheline

curl -L \
  --url 'https://xtz-index.nownodes.io/v1/bigmaps/updates'
    "id": 1,
    "level": 1,
    "timestamp": "2025-03-14T01:20:01.982Z",
    "bigmap": 1,
    "contract": {
      "alias": "text",
      "address": "text"
    "path": "text",
    "action": "text",
    "content": {
      "hash": "text",
      "key": null,
      "value": null