
Clear Unconfirmed Transactions

Empties the unconfirmed transaction pool.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

requestType = exchangeCoins
secretPhrase = IWontTellYou
chain = 12
adminPassword = xxx

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"adminPassword\" (the specified password does not match nxt.adminPassword)",
    "errorCode": 4

Dump Peers

Get all active peers, optionally of a certain version or a minimum weight.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)


Example response: 200

    "peers": "",
    "count": 0,
    "requestProcessingTime": 11

Full Reset

Deletes the entire blockchain.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

adminPassword = xxx

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"adminPassword\" (the specified password does not match nxt.adminPassword)",
    "errorCode": 4

Get All Broadcasted Transactions

Get unconfirmed transactions broadcasted from this node but not yet received back from a peer, if transaction rebroadcasting is enabled.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

adminPassword = xxx

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"adminPassword\" (the specified password does not match nxt.adminPassword)",
    "errorCode": 4

Get All Waiting Transactions

Get unconfirmed transactions temporarily kept in memory during transaction processing.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

adminPassword = xxx

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"adminPassword\" (the specified password does not match nxt.adminPassword)",
    "errorCode": 4

Get Log

Get up to 100 of the most recent log messages from a memory buffer.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

adminPassword = xxx

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"adminPassword\" (the specified password does not match nxt.adminPassword)",
    "errorCode": 4

Get Stack Traces

Get the stack traces of the currently running threads in reverse id order.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

adminPassword = xxx

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"adminPassword\" (the specified password does not match nxt.adminPassword)",
    "errorCode": 4

Lucene Reindex

Forces a rebuild of the Lucene search index.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

adminPassword = xxx

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"adminPassword\" (the specified password does not match nxt.adminPassword)",
    "errorCode": 4

Pop Off

Removes specified number of blocks (and associated transactions) from the top of the blockchain.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

adminPassword = xxx

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"adminPassword\" (the specified password does not match nxt.adminPassword)",
    "errorCode": 4

Rebroadcast Unconfirmed Transactions

Rebroadcast transactions in the unconfirmed pool to peers, until received back or found in the blockchain.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

adminPassword = xxx

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"adminPassword\" (the specified password does not match nxt.adminPassword)",
    "errorCode": 4

Requeue Unconfirmed Transactions

Requeue unconfirmed transactions.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

adminPassword = xxx

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"adminPassword\" (the specified password does not match nxt.adminPassword)",
    "errorCode": 4

Retrieve Pruned Data

Initiates a task of requesting and restoring missing prunable data.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

adminPassword = xxx

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"adminPassword\" (the specified password does not match nxt.adminPassword)",
    "errorCode": 4


Scans the top of the blockchain.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

adminPassword = xxx

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"adminPassword\" (the specified password does not match nxt.adminPassword)",
    "errorCode": 4

Set Logging

Sets the log level and optionally specifies communication events to be logged, without restarting the server.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

adminPassword = xxx

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"adminPassword\" (the specified password does not match nxt.adminPassword)",
    "errorCode": 4


Shutdown the server.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

adminPassword = xxx

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"adminPassword\" (the specified password does not match nxt.adminPassword)",
    "errorCode": 4

Trim Derived Tables

Trigger a derived tables trim, and a prunable tables pruning.

Method: POST

Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)

adminPassword = xxx

Example response: 200

    "errorDescription": "Incorrect \"adminPassword\" (the specified password does not match nxt.adminPassword)",
    "errorCode": 4

Last updated