Get Account Shufflings
Retrieves info about shufflings for a specific account.
Method: GET
Example response: 200
Get All Shufflings
Retrieves info about all shufflings.
Method: GET
Example response: 200
Get Assigned Shufflings
Retrieves info about a shufflings that are currently assigned to a specific account.
Method: GET
Example response: 200
Get Holding Shufflings
Retrieves info about shufflings for a specific holding and/or stage.
Method: GET
Example response: 200
Get Shufflers
Retrieves info about active shufflers on the current node.
Method: GET
Example response: 200
Get Shuffling
Retrieves info about a shuffling.
Method: GET
Example response: 200
Get Shuffling Participants
Retrieves info about participants in a shuffling.
Method: GET
Example response: 200
Shuffling Create
Cancels a shuffling.
Method: POST
Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)
Example response: 200
Shuffling Process
Manually process the shuffling for a specific participant. Note that the shuffling must be in processing stage and the secretPhrase must match the current shuffling assignee.
Method: POST
Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)
Example response: 200
Shuffling Register
Registers a new participant to an existing shuffling. The shuffling must be in stage registration.
Method: POST
Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)
Example response: 200
Shuffling Verify
Sends a verification that an account's recipient public key is found within a shuffling.
Method: POST
Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)
Example response: 200
Start Shuffler
Starts a automated Shuffler. Once started, the Shuffler monitors the blockchain state for transactions relevant to the specified shuffle, and automatically submits the required transactions on behalf of the user, performing shuffle processing, verification, or cancellation as needed.
Method: POST
Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)
Example response: 200
Stop Shuffler
Stops a previously started automated Shuffler.
Method: POST
Example body (x-www-form-urlencoded)
Example response: 200
Last updated