An optional specification of a historical ledger state at which to execute the request.
The "historical state" feature (see the db.historical_substate_values.enable flag) must be
enabled on the Node, and the requested point in history must be recent enough (in accordance
with the Node's configured state_hash_tree.state_version_history_length).
A text-representation of a transaction manifest
blobs_hexarray of string
An array of hex-encoded blob data (optional)
start_epoch_inclusive*integer (int64)
An integer between 0 and 10^10, marking the epoch at which the transaction starts being valid
end_epoch_exclusive*integer (int64)
An integer between 0 and 10^10, marking the epoch at which the transaction is no longer valid
notary_public_keyPublicKey (object)
Whether the notary should count as a signatory (optional, default false)
tip_percentage*integer (int32)
An integer between 0 and 65535, giving the validator tip as a percentage amount. A value of 1 corresponds to 1% of the fee.
nonce*integer (int64)
An integer between 0 and 2^32 - 1, chosen to allow a unique intent to be created (to enable submitting an otherwise identical/duplicate intent).
signer_public_keys*array of PublicKey (object)
A list of public keys to be used as transaction signers
messageTransactionMessage (object)
Transaction preview response
at_ledger_state*LedgerStateSummary (object)
The hex-sbor-encoded receipt
receipt*TransactionReceipt (object)
The transaction execution receipt
instruction_resource_changes*array of InstructionResourceChanges (object)