
Get a Block

Get a block by its Block Identifier. If transactions are returned in the same call to the node as fetching the block, the response should include these transactions in the Block object. If not, an array of Transaction Identifiers should be returned so /block/transaction fetches can be done to get all transaction information. When requesting a block by the hash component of the BlockIdentifier, this request MUST be idempotent: repeated invocations for the same hash-identified block must return the exact same block contents. No such restriction is imposed when requesting a block by height, given that a chain reorg event might cause the specific block at height n to be set to a different one.

network_identifier*NetworkIdentifier (object)

The network_identifier specifies which network a particular object is associated with.

block_identifier*PartialBlockIdentifier (object)

When fetching data by BlockIdentifier, it may be possible to only specify the index or hash. If neither property is specified, it is assumed that the client is making a request at the current block.


Expected response to a valid request

blockBlock (object)

Blocks contain an array of Transactions that occurred at a particular BlockIdentifier. A hard requirement for blocks returned by Rosetta implementations is that they MUST be inalterable: once a client has requested and received a block identified by a specific BlockIndentifier, all future calls for that same BlockIdentifier must return the same block contents.

other_transactionsarray of TransactionIdentifier (object)

Some blockchains may require additional transactions to be fetched that weren't returned in the block response (ex: block only returns transaction hashes). For blockchains with a lot of transactions in each block, this can be very useful as consumers can concurrently fetch all transactions returned.

const response = await fetch('/block', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    body: JSON.stringify({
      "network_identifier": {
        "blockchain": "bitcoin",
        "network": "mainnet"
      "block_identifier": {}
const data = await response.json();
  "block": {
    "block_identifier": {
      "index": 1123941,
      "hash": "0x1f2cc6c5027d2f201a5453ad1119574d2aed23a392654742ac3c78783c071f85"
    "parent_block_identifier": {
      "index": 1123941,
      "hash": "0x1f2cc6c5027d2f201a5453ad1119574d2aed23a392654742ac3c78783c071f85"
    "timestamp": 1582833600000,
    "transactions": [
        "transaction_identifier": {
          "hash": "0x2f23fd8cca835af21f3ac375bac601f97ead75f2e79143bdf71fe2c4be043e8f"
        "operations": [
            "operation_identifier": {
              "index": 5,
              "network_index": 0
            "related_operations": [
                "index": 1
                "index": 2
            "type": "Transfer",
            "status": "Reverted",
            "account": {
              "address": "0x3a065000ab4183c6bf581dc1e55a605455fc6d61",
              "sub_account": {
                "address": "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f"
            "amount": {
              "value": "1238089899992",
              "currency": {
                "symbol": "BTC",
                "decimals": 8,
                "metadata": {
                  "Issuer": "Satoshi"
            "coin_change": {
              "coin_identifier": {
                "identifier": "0x2f23fd8cca835af21f3ac375bac601f97ead75f2e79143bdf71fe2c4be043e8f:1"
              "coin_action": "coin_created"
            "metadata": {
              "asm": "304502201fd8abb11443f8b1b9a04e0495e0543d05611473a790c8939f089d073f90509a022100f4677825136605d732e2126d09a2d38c20c75946cd9fc239c0497e84c634e3dd01 03301a8259a12e35694cc22ebc45fee635f4993064190f6ce96e7fb19a03bb6be2",
              "hex": "48304502201fd8abb11443f8b1b9a04e0495e0543d05611473a790c8939f089d073f90509a022100f4677825136605d732e2126d09a2d38c20c75946cd9fc239c0497e84c634e3dd012103301a8259a12e35694cc22ebc45fee635f4993064190f6ce96e7fb19a03bb6be2"
        "related_transactions": [
            "network_identifier": {
              "blockchain": "bitcoin",
              "network": "mainnet",
              "sub_network_identifier": {
                "network": "shard 1",
                "metadata": {
                  "producer": "0x52bc44d5378309ee2abf1539bf71de1b7d7be3b5"
            "transaction_identifier": {
              "hash": "0x2f23fd8cca835af21f3ac375bac601f97ead75f2e79143bdf71fe2c4be043e8f"
            "direction": "forward"
        "metadata": {
          "size": 12378,
          "lockTime": 1582272577
    "metadata": {
      "transactions_root": "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347",
      "difficulty": "123891724987128947"
  "other_transactions": [
      "hash": "0x2f23fd8cca835af21f3ac375bac601f97ead75f2e79143bdf71fe2c4be043e8f"