Delete a given participation key by ID
Participation key got deleted by ID
The participation key to add to the node
Participation ID of the submission
encoding of the participation ID.
Given a participation ID, return information about that participation key
A detailed description of a participation ID
Address the key was generated for.
When registered, this is the first round it may be used.
When registered, this is the last round it may be used.
The key's ParticipationID.
AccountParticipation describes the parameters used by this account in consensus protocol.
Round when this key was last used to propose a block.
Round when this key was last used to generate a state proof.
Round when this key was last used to vote.
Given a participation ID, append state proof keys to a particular set of participation keys
The state proof keys to add to an existing participation ID
A detailed description of a participation ID
Address the key was generated for.
When registered, this is the first round it may be used.
When registered, this is the last round it may be used.
The key's ParticipationID.
AccountParticipation describes the parameters used by this account in consensus protocol.
Round when this key was last used to propose a block.
Round when this key was last used to generate a state proof.
Round when this key was last used to vote.
Return a list of participation keys
A list of participation keys
Address the key was generated for.
When registered, this is the first round it may be used.
When registered, this is the last round it may be used.
The key's ParticipationID.
AccountParticipation describes the parameters used by this account in consensus protocol.
Round when this key was last used to propose a block.
Round when this key was last used to generate a state proof.
Round when this key was last used to vote.