
The account_info command retrieves information about an account, its activity, and its XRP balance. All information retrieved is relative to a particular version of the ledger.

Request Format

An example of an account_info request:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'api-key: API_KEY' \
--data '{
    "method": "account_info",
    "params": [
            "account": "rG1QQv2nh2gr7RCZ1P8YYcBUKCCN633jCn",
            "ledger_index": "current",
            "queue": true

The request contains the following parameters:

The following fields are deprecated and should not be provided: ident, ledger, strict.

Response Format

An example of a successful response:

    "id": 5,
    "status": "success",
    "type": "response",
    "result": {
        "account_data": {
            "Account": "rG1QQv2nh2gr7RCZ1P8YYcBUKCCN633jCn",
            "Balance": "999999999960",
            "Flags": 8388608,
            "LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
            "OwnerCount": 0,
            "PreviousTxnID": "4294BEBE5B569A18C0A2702387C9B1E7146DC3A5850C1E87204951C6FDAA4C42",
            "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 3,
            "Sequence": 6,
            "index": "92FA6A9FC8EA6018D5D16532D7795C91BFB0831355BDFDA177E86C8BF997985F"
        "ledger_current_index": 4,
        "queue_data": {
            "auth_change_queued": true,
            "highest_sequence": 10,
            "lowest_sequence": 6,
            "max_spend_drops_total": "500",
            "transactions": [
                    "auth_change": false,
                    "fee": "100",
                    "fee_level": "2560",
                    "max_spend_drops": "100",
                    "seq": 6
                ... (trimmed for length) ...
                    "LastLedgerSequence": 10,
                    "auth_change": true,
                    "fee": "100",
                    "fee_level": "2560",
                    "max_spend_drops": "100",
                    "seq": 10
            "txn_count": 5
        "validated": false

    "result": {
        "account_data": {
            "Account": "rG1QQv2nh2gr7RCZ1P8YYcBUKCCN633jCn",
            "Balance": "999999999960",
            "Flags": 8388608,
            "LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
            "OwnerCount": 0,
            "PreviousTxnID": "4294BEBE5B569A18C0A2702387C9B1E7146DC3A5850C1E87204951C6FDAA4C42",
            "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 3,
            "Sequence": 6,
            "index": "92FA6A9FC8EA6018D5D16532D7795C91BFB0831355BDFDA177E86C8BF997985F"
        "ledger_current_index": 4,
        "queue_data": {
            "auth_change_queued": true,
            "highest_sequence": 10,
            "lowest_sequence": 6,
            "max_spend_drops_total": "500",
            "transactions": [
                    "auth_change": false,
                    "fee": "100",
                    "fee_level": "2560",
                    "max_spend_drops": "100",
                    "seq": 6
                ... (trimmed for length) ...
                    "LastLedgerSequence": 10,
                    "auth_change": true,
                    "fee": "100",
                    "fee_level": "2560",
                    "max_spend_drops": "100",
                    "seq": 10
            "txn_count": 5
        "status": "success",
        "validated": false

   "result" : {
      "account_data" : {
         "Account" : "rG1QQv2nh2gr7RCZ1P8YYcBUKCCN633jCn",
         "Balance" : "9986",
         "Flags" : 1114112,
         "LedgerEntryType" : "AccountRoot",
         "OwnerCount" : 0,
         "PreviousTxnID" : "0705FE3F52057924C288296EF0EBF668E0C1A3646FBA8FAF9B73DCC0A797B4B2",
         "PreviousTxnLgrSeq" : 51948740,
         "RegularKey" : "rhLkGGNZdjSpnHJw4XAFw1Jy7PD8TqxoET",
         "Sequence" : 192220,
         "index" : "92FA6A9FC8EA6018D5D16532D7795C91BFB0831355BDFDA177E86C8BF997985F"
      "ledger_hash" : "8169428EDF7F046F817CE44F5F1DF23AD9FAEFFA2CBA7645C3254D66AA79B46E",
      "ledger_index" : 56843712,
      "status" : "success",
      "validated" : true

The response follows the [standard format][], with the result containing the requested account, its data, and a ledger to which it applies, as the following fields:

The account_flags field contains the following nested fields:

The queue_data field, if present, contains the following nested fields:

Each object in the transactions array of queue_data, if present, may contain any or all of the following fields:

Possible Errors

  • Any of the [universal error types][].

  • invalidParams - One or more fields are specified incorrectly, or one or more required fields are missing. For example, the request specified queue as true but specified a ledger_index that is not the current open ledger.

  • actNotFound - The address specified in the account field of the request does not correspond to an account in the ledger.

  • lgrNotFound - The ledger specified by the ledger_hash or ledger_index does not exist, or it does exist but the server does not have it.

Last updated