Blockchain RPCs


Returns the hash of the best (tip) block in the most-work fully-validated chain.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "getbestblockhash", "params": []}

Example response: 200

    "result": "00000000000000001a7598cdb3de0e46abceb4c55c35deb3ff51540fd485d62c",
    "error": null,
    "id": "curltest"


If verbosity is 0, returns a string that is serialized, hex-encoded data for block ‘hash’.

If verbosity is 1, returns an Object with information about block ‘hash’.

If verbosity is 2, returns an Object with information about block ‘hash’ and information about each transaction.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "getblock",
    "params": [

Example response: 200

    "result": {
        "hash": "00000000c937983704a73af28acdec37b049d214adbda81d7e2a3dd146f6ed09",
        "confirmations": 842484,
        "height": 1000,
        "version": 1,
        "versionHex": "00000001",
        "merkleroot": "fe28050b93faea61fa88c4c630f0e1f0a1c24d0082dd0e10d369e13212128f33",
        "time": 1232346882,
        "mediantime": 1232344831,
        "nonce": 2595206198,
        "bits": "1d00ffff",
        "difficulty": 1,
        "chainwork": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003e903e903e9",
        "nTx": 1,
        "previousblockhash": "0000000008e647742775a230787d66fdf92c46a48c896bfbc85cdc8acc67e87d",
        "nextblockhash": "00000000a2887344f8db859e372e7e4bc26b23b9de340f725afbf2edb265b4c6",
        "size": 216,
        "tx": [
    "error": null,
    "id": "curltest"


Returns an object containing various state info regarding blockchain processing.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "getblockchaininfo",
    "params": []

Example response: 200

    "result": {
        "chain": "main",
        "blocks": 843483,
        "headers": 843483,
        "bestblockhash": "00000000000000001a7598cdb3de0e46abceb4c55c35deb3ff51540fd485d62c",
        "difficulty": 36589419185.19339,
        "time": 1715004191,
        "mediantime": 1715002725,
        "verificationprogress": 0.9999720014386982,
        "initialblockdownload": false,
        "chainwork": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000016d4cd14d6ba93a98cb8bc4",
        "size_on_disk": 173560536942,
        "pruned": false,
        "warnings": ""
    "error": null,
    "id": "curltest"


Returns the height of the most-work fully-validated chain.

The genesis block has height 0.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "getblockcount",
    "params": []

Example response: 200

    "result": 843483,
    "error": null,
    "id": "curltest"


Returns hash of block in best-block-chain at height provided.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "getblockhash",
    "params": [

Example response: 200

    "result": "00000000c937983704a73af28acdec37b049d214adbda81d7e2a3dd146f6ed09",
    "error": null,
    "id": "curltest"


If verbose is false, returns a string that is serialized, hex-encoded data for blockheader ‘hash’.

If verbose is true, returns an Object with information about blockheader ‘hash’.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "getblockheader",
    "params": [

Example response: 200

    "result": {
        "hash": "00000000c937983704a73af28acdec37b049d214adbda81d7e2a3dd146f6ed09",
        "confirmations": 842484,
        "height": 1000,
        "version": 1,
        "versionHex": "00000001",
        "merkleroot": "fe28050b93faea61fa88c4c630f0e1f0a1c24d0082dd0e10d369e13212128f33",
        "time": 1232346882,
        "mediantime": 1232344831,
        "nonce": 2595206198,
        "bits": "1d00ffff",
        "difficulty": 1,
        "chainwork": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003e903e903e9",
        "nTx": 1,
        "previousblockhash": "0000000008e647742775a230787d66fdf92c46a48c896bfbc85cdc8acc67e87d",
        "nextblockhash": "00000000a2887344f8db859e372e7e4bc26b23b9de340f725afbf2edb265b4c6"
    "error": null,
    "id": "curltest"


Compute per block statistics for a given window. All amounts are in satoshis.

It won’t work for some heights with pruning.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "getblockstats",
    "params": [

Example response: 200

    "result": {
        "avgfeerate": 0.00,
        "minfeerate": 0.00
    "error": null,
    "id": "curltest"


Return information about all known tips in the block tree, including the main chain as well as orphaned branches.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "getchaintips",
    "params": []

Example response: 200

    "result": [
            "height": 843483,
            "hash": "00000000000000001a7598cdb3de0e46abceb4c55c35deb3ff51540fd485d62c",
            "branchlen": 0,
            "status": "active"
            "height": 843384,
            "hash": "000000000000000017038bb67df28392be6187861a07d074ead98b9a42f74886",
            "branchlen": 1,
            "status": "valid-headers"
            "height": 843230,
            "hash": "00000000000000000b4f0678b64857f45cf8a982872fced6a09026411a7fe906",
            "branchlen": 1,
            "status": "parked"
    "error": null,
    "id": "curltest"


Compute statistics about the total number and rate of transactions in the chain.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "getchaintxstats",
    "params": [

Example response: 200

    "result": {
        "time": 1715004191,
        "txcount": 298406978,
        "window_final_block_hash": "00000000000000001a7598cdb3de0e46abceb4c55c35deb3ff51540fd485d62c",
        "window_final_block_height": 843483,
        "window_block_count": 2016,
        "window_tx_count": 26872,
        "window_interval": 1136563,
        "txrate": 0.0236432120348806
    "error": null,
    "id": "curltest"


Returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "getdifficulty",
    "params": []

Example response: 200

    "result": 36589419185.19339,
    "error": null,
    "id": "curltest"


If txid is in the mempool, returns all in-mempool ancestors.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "getmempoolancestors",
    "params": [

Example response: 200

    "result": null,
    "error": {
        "code": -5,
        "message": "Transaction not in mempool"
    "id": "curltest"


If txid is in the mempool, returns all in-mempool descendants.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "getmempooldescendants",
    "params": [

Example response: 200

    "result": null,
    "error": {
        "code": -5,
        "message": "Transaction not in mempool"
    "id": "curltest"


Returns mempool data for given transaction

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "getmempoolentry",
    "params": [

Example response: 200

    "result": null,
    "error": {
        "code": -5,
        "message": "Transaction not in mempool"
    "id": "curltest"


Returns details on the active state of the TX memory pool.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "getmempoolinfo",
    "params": []

Example response: 200

    "result": {
        "loaded": true,
        "size": 77,
        "bytes": 87802,
        "usage": 198416,
        "total_fee": 1192.78,
        "maxmempool": 2000000000,
        "mempoolminfee": 10.00,
        "minrelaytxfee": 10.00,
        "unbroadcastcount": 0
    "error": null,
    "id": "curltest"


Returns all transaction ids in memory pool as a json array of string transaction ids.

Hint: use getmempoolentry to fetch a specific transaction from the mempool.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "getrawmempool",
    "params": [

Example response: 200

    "result": {
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            "time": 1715004206,
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            "unbroadcast": false
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            "fees": {
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                "modified": 21.02
            "size": 2102,
            "time": 1715004217,
            "height": 843483,
            "depends": [],
            "spentby": [],
            "unbroadcast": false
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Returns details about an unspent transaction output.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "gettxout",
    "params": [

Example response: 200

    "result": {
        "bestblock": "000000000000000013c437a13fe9404956001818e03a7b848d1497c7446b5f47",
        "confirmations": 3,
        "value": 1000031.37,
        "scriptPubKey": {
            "asm": "OP_HASH160 d37c4c809fe9840e7bfa77b86bd47163f6fb6c60 OP_EQUAL",
            "hex": "a914d37c4c809fe9840e7bfa77b86bd47163f6fb6c6087",
            "reqSigs": 1,
            "type": "scripthash",
            "addresses": [
        "coinbase": true
    "error": null,
    "id": "curltest"


Returns a hex-encoded proof that “txid” was included in a block.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "gettxoutproof",
    "params": [

Example response: 200

    "result": null,
    "error": {
        "code": -5,
        "message": "Transaction not yet in block"
    "id": "curltest"


Treats a block as if it were received before others with the same work.

A later preciousblock call can override the effect of an earlier one.

The effects of preciousblock are not retained across restarts.

Method: POST

Example body (raw)

    "jsonrpc": "1.0",
    "id": "curltest",
    "method": "preciousblock",
    "params": [

Example response: 200

    "result": null,
    "error": null,
    "id": "curltest"

Last updated