Lookup an account's created asset parameters, optionally for a specific ID.
account string
Round at which the results were computed.
Used for pagination, when making another request provide this token with the next parameter.
const response = await fetch('https://algo-index.nownodes.io/v2/accounts/{account-id}/created-assets', { method: 'GET', headers: {}, }); const data = await response.json();
{ "assets": [ { "created-at-round": 0, "deleted": false, "destroyed-at-round": 0, "index": 0, "params": { "clawback": "text", "creator": "text", "decimals": 0, "default-frozen": false, "freeze": "text", "manager": "text", "metadata-hash": "Ynl0ZXM=", "name": "text", "name-b64": "Ynl0ZXM=", "reserve": "text", "total": 0, "unit-name": "text", "unit-name-b64": "Ynl0ZXM=", "url": "text", "url-b64": "Ynl0ZXM=" } } ], "current-round": 0, "next-token": "text" }