Last updated 9 months ago
Find the metadata of a given block.
Identifier of the block.
Successful operation.
Unsuccessful operation: indicates that the provided data is invalid.
Unsuccessful operation: indicates that the endpoint is not available for public use.
Unsuccessful operation: indicates that the requested data was not found.
Unsuccessful operation: indicates that an unexpected, internal server error happened which prevented the node from fulfilling the request.
Unsuccessful operation: indicates that the node is not synced.
curl -L \ --url '{blockId}/metadata'
{ "blockId": "0xf532a53545103276b46876c473846d98648ee418468bce76df4868648dd73e5d", "parents": [ "0x7ed3d67fc7b619e72e588f51fef2379e43e6e9a856635843b3f29aa3a3f1f006", "0xd97e89e49ed263b763afeda192515fe154ec826ceb92ef08926cd68ec02c9510" ], "isSolid": false, "shouldPromote": true, "shouldReattach": false }