Returns current voting period.
Index of the voting period, starting from zero
Index of the voting epoch, starting from zero
The height of the block in which the period starts
The timestamp of the block in which the period starts
The height of the block in which the period ends
The timestamp of the block in which the period ends
Kind of the voting period:
- delegates can submit protocol amendment proposals using the proposal operation
- bakers (delegates) may vote on the top-ranked proposal from the previous Proposal Period using the ballot operation
- If the proposal is approved in the Exploration Period, the testing (or 'cooldown') period begins and bakers start testing the new protocol
- delegates can cast one vote to promote or not the tested proposal using the ballot operation
- after the proposal is actually accepted, the ecosystem has some time to prepare to the upgrade
Status of the voting period:
- means that the voting period is in progress
- means that there were no proposals during the voting period
- means that there was a voting but the quorum was not reached
- means that there was a voting but the supermajority was not reached
- means that there were multiple winning proposals with the same voting power
- means that the period was finished with positive voting result
Status of the governance dictator:
- means that there were no actions by the dictator
- means that the epoch was aborted by the dictator
- means that the period was reset by the dictator
- means that the dictator submitted a proposal
The number of bakers on the voters list
Total voting power of bakers on the voters list
Upvotes quorum percentage (only for proposal period)
The number of proposals injected during the voting period (only for proposal period)
This is how many upvotes (proposal operations) the most upvoted proposal has (only for proposal period)
This is how much voting power the most upvoted proposal has (only for proposal period)
Ballots quorum percentage (only for exploration and promotion periods)
Supermajority percentage (only for exploration and promotion periods)
The number of the ballots with "yay" vote (only for exploration and promotion periods)
Total voting power of the ballots with "yay" vote (only for exploration and promotion periods)
The number of the ballots with "nay" vote (only for exploration and promotion periods)
Total voting power of the ballots with "nay" vote (only for exploration and promotion periods)
The number of the ballots with "pass" vote (only for exploration and promotion periods)
Total voting power of the ballots with "pass" vote (only for exploration and promotion periods)