GetWasmCodes lists all stored code
OK response.
Paging defines the structure for required params for handling pagination
GetWasmCodeById list cosmwasm code infor by ID
Code ID of the code
OK response.
ID of stored wasmcode, sorted in descending order
monotonic order of the code stored
code schema preview
"Qui accusantium voluptate provident."
code repo preview, may contain schema folder
"Consequatur et libero recusandae."
Contract type of the wasm code
"Quibusdam esse consequatur praesentium dolorem."
Block time when the code is stored, in millisecond
creator of this code
"Non recusandae veritatis."
count number of contract instantiation from this code
id of the proposal that store this code
Tx hash of store code transaction
"Assumenda non."
version string of the wasm code
"Vero odio assumenda accusamus."